7:30-8:00 Check-in & Continental Breakfast
8:00-8:10 Welcome
8:10-9:45 Keynote Speakers
Setting the Stage: The impact of opioid use and abuse
This presentation will discuss factors that have led to the current issues with opioid overuse and abuse, how opioids work, and how their use can lead to dependence and death. The presentation will also discuss current trends in addressing the crisis, including research on chronic pain and pain management, as well as legislation to improve access and use of Naloxone.
Kim Templeton M.D.
Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery, University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas Partnership for Pain Management Steering Committee, KTRACS Advisory Committee, and KS Board of Healing Arts
Prevalence and Perception of Prescription Drug Misuse in Kansas: A Review of Self-Report Survey Data across the Lifespan
This presentation will examine prevalence data for prescription drug misuse reported from Kansas youth (age 12-18), young adults (age 18-25), and adults (18+). Additional focus on youth and young adults will address perceptions of availably and risk of harm from prescription drug misuse. Frequency of driving while under the influence and knowledge of proper disposal will also be discussed.
Lisa Chaney
Director of Research and Evaluation, Greenbush- The Southeast Kansas Education Service Center
Recent Trends in Drug Poisoning Morbidity and Mortality in Kansas
This presentation will focus on recent morbidity and mortality trends for drug poisonings in Kansas, such as age, sex, and spatial factors. Other risk factors, such as prescription drug prescribing and dispensing patterns will be discussed where applicable.
Handout: Center for Disease Control Statistics
Fan Xiong, MPH
Data-Driven Prevention Initiative Program Advanced Epidemiologist, Kansas Board of Pharmacy and Kansas Department of Health and Environment
9:45-10:00 Break
10:00-12:00 Breakout sessions – 1
Contemporary Pain Management Strategies
This session will explore the impact of pain across specialties, strategies and best practices for managing chronic pain.
Assessment of Chronic Pain
Talal Khan M.D.
Professor, Director, Chronic and Interventional Pain Clinic Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine, University of Kansas Medical Center
Prescribing Practices for Acute Pain
Douglas Fain, DDS, MD, FACS
President, The American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
CDC Guideline for Prescribing Opioids in Chronic Pain
Melanie Simpson, PhD, RN-BC, OCN, CHPN, CPE
Pain Management Team Coordinator, The University of Kansas Medical Center, Immediate Past-President, American Society for Pain Management Nursing
The Safe Use and Disposal of Prescription Medications
Acute Postoperative Pain Opioid Prescribing Guidelines
Opioid Prescribing: Acute and Postoperative Pain Management
A discussion of prescription drug misuse prevention.
Prescription Drug Misuse Prevention In Allen County Kansas
This presentation will provide an overview of prescription drug misuse prevention and information on evidence-based strategies being implemented in Allen County, Kansas that can be implemented in other communities.
Jaime Westervelt
DFC Project Coordinator, Allen County Multi-Agency Team
Finney County Partnerships for Success 2015 Prescription Drug Prevention Initiative
This presentation will explore evidence-based strategies being implemented in Finney county to prevent the non-medical use of prescription drugs by engaging the schools and involving youth in prevention work.
Troy Unruh
Coach/Consultant, TRU Coaching and Consulting, Live Well Finney County
Faction or Opportunity
Community Change Model
Now Hear This!: Success Story
Reverse Timeline

Addressing the Opioid Use Epidemic Through Managed Care
Part 1: An overview of treatment strategies for Opioid Use disorders. This will cover options for Medication Assisted Treatment and indications for their use. Part 2: An overview of Managed Care approaches to curtailing opioid use disorders.
Sosunmolu Shoyinka, MD, FAPA, DABAM
Medical Director, Behavioral Health, Sunflower Health Plans, National Medical Director, Substance Use Disorders, Centene Corporation, Board Certified in General Adult Psychiatry, Community and Public Psychiatry and Addiction Medicine
Due to the proprietary nature of the information in this presentation, we are not authorized to post these slides online.

Opioids: Impairment and Recognition
Opioid impairment can be recognized in individuals. This session will cover the major signs and symptoms of opioid use and abuse based on standardized and scientific information. It will also cover some of the newest trends emerging in the abuse of opioids.
Matthew Payne
Trooper, Drug and Alcohol Evaluation Unit, East Region Chaplain, Kansas Highway Patrol Troop J
Carson Nuss
Technical Trooper, Drug and Alcohol Evaluation Unit, DRE/ARIDE/SFST Instructor, Honor Guard, Kansas Highway Patrol
PSA Video:
Drugged Driving: One and the Same
12:00-1:00 Lunch (provided)
1:00-3:00 Breakout sessions – 2
Contemporary Pain Management Strategies (Continued)
This session will explore implications of long-term opioid therapy, red flag signs of misuse, identifying aberrant behaviors, and multiple pain management treatment options and strategies.
Contemporary Pain Management Strategies
Talal Khan M.D.
Professor, Director, Chronic and Interventional Pain Clinic Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine, University of Kansas Medical Center
Contemporary Pain management Strategies
Melanie Simpson, PhD, RN-BC, OCN, CHPN, CPE
Pain Management Team Coordinator, The University of Kansas Medical Center, Immediate Past-President, American Society for Pain Management Nursing
A discussion of prevention strategies across the state addressing prescription drug misuse.
Sedgwick County Partnerships for Success 2015 Prescription Drug Prevention Initiative
Safe Streets Wichita is making a positive impact in Wichita and Sedgwick County by increasing awareness about the opioid epidemic that is sweeping across America. This presentation will explore evidence-based strategies being implemented in Sedgwick county to prevent the non-medical use of prescription drugs.
Jan Chandler
Community Mobilizer, Safe Streets Wichita
Atchison County Partnerships for Success 2015 Prescription Drug Prevention Initiative
Andrea Clements
Executive Director, Live Well Live Atchison
Kansas Poison Control Center
This presentation will provide an overview of the Kansas Poison Control Center as well as programs and resources available for medication safety and overdose prevention.
Stefanie Baines, MA, CHES
Education Coordinator, Poison Control Center, The University of Kansas Hospital
Hosting a Drug Take Back Event in Your Community
Drug Take Back Events are a meaningful way to address the opioid crisis at the community level and reduce the amount of unneeded medication from being improperly disposed or diverted. This presentation will discuss the procedures needed to plan and host a take back event, potential event partners, staff and volunteer duties, materials needed, advertising and other considerations.
Amanda Bridges, MBA
Quality Improvement Project Manager, Kansas Foundation for Medical Care
Combat the Prescription Drug Abuse Epidemic with EVERFI
Are you prepared to address the prescription drug epidemic within your community? EVERFI’s innovative digital resource is empowering high school students with the knowledge and skills they need to make safe, healthy, and informed decisions about prescription medications. Aligned to the National Health Education Standards, the Prescription Drug Abuse Prevention course includes interactive scenarios and self-guided activities, students learn the facts about drugs, how to properly use and dispose of them, and valuable refusal skills.
Erica Hart, M.Ed.
Schools Manager, Kansas, EVERFI
Prescription Drug Abuse Prevention for High School
A collaborative discussion of treatment and recovery efforts across Kansas.
Peer Mentoring & Recovery Coaching
This presentation will define Recovery, discuss best practices being implemented at the Pathfinder Recovery Center, including Pathfinder Recovery Center values, goals of Coaches and Peers, assistance in all phases of Recovery, and the 4 recovery zones.
Don Greene
Senior Recovery Coach, Pathfinder Recovery Center, Central Kansas Foundation
Kansas City Metro Methadone Program Partnerships for Success 2015 Prescription Drug Prevention Initiative
This presentation will provide an overview of the Kansas City Metro Methadone Program, the data collection pilot project, and how this data can be used to prevent opioid misuse and abuse.
Handout: KCMMP Data Collection
Callie Grantham, LPC,LAC
Clinic Practice Manager, Department of Psychiatry, The University of Kansas Health System
State Targeted Response to the Opioid Crisis Panel
Hear about the new grant State Targeted Response to the Opioid Crisis focused on the treatment and prevention of opioid use disorder and what the grant recipient organizations are implementing across the state.
Mike Alford, LMSW
Director of Program Development, Medical Services Director, Care Coordination Manager, Active Partners Director, the STR Opioid Grant Regional Coordinator, Four County Mental Health Center
Callie Grantham, LPC,LAC
Clinic Practice Manager, Department of Psychiatry, The University of Kansas Health System
The Opioid Crisis in Kansas
Handout: Opioid Use Disorder Grant
Shane Hudson, MS, LCP, LCAC
VP of Clinical Operations, Licensed Clinical Psychotherapist, Licensed Clinical Addiction Counselor, Central Kansas Foundation
Harold Casey
Chief Executive Officer, Substance Abuse Center of Kansas

Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome
This presentation will address the increasing of opiate use and abuse and its’ parallel to increasing Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS). It will provide an overview of Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome and discuss of identification, evaluation, treatment and discharge through a standardized family centered approach to support the infant and family affected by NAS. Non-opiate pain relief for the pregnant and postpartum patient will also be presented as well as the growing needs for follow up for mothers with substances abuse. The learner will be participating in breakout sessions to identify how their individual job role could make a positive impact on the opiate epidemic or a family affected by addiction.
Jodi Jackson, MD
Neonatologist, Children’s Mercy Hospital, Associate Professor of Pediatrics, University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Medicine, Medical Director NICU, Shawnee Mission Medical Center, KPQC Chair
Betsy K Knappen MSN, APRN
Neonatal Nurse Practitioner, Children’s Mercy Hospital, Neonatal Abstinence Program Coordinator, Shawnee Mission Medical Center
3:00-3:10 Break
3:10-3:40 Closing Keynote
Road to Recovery: How Did I Get Here?
This presentation will touch upon topics addressed during the conference, as told through my story. I will share my experience of disease progression which culminated in opioid addiction and recovery.
Cyndie Eutsler O’Bleness, MA, LMAC
3:45-4:30 Round table discussions
Participant input and vision for state planning